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Visit SSW at the 2023 Global HR Conference

Smith Stone Walters is delighted to be a sponsor of International HR Adviser’s free event, the 2023 Global HR Conference.

This event for Senior Global HR professionals is taking place on Monday 5th June 2023 at The Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London, from 12.30pm – 4.30pm.

We would like to invite you to join us for this afternoon of educational and thought provoking seminars aimed at those involved in their company or organisation’s global mobility.

The seminar programme covers the following topics:

  • Global Tax Update
  • Sustainability In Global Mobility – Turning Reds into Green
  • A Brief Summary of Some Recent Immigration Changes and What Is The Real Cost Of A UK Visa?
  • How Can Integrating Talent Management with Global Mobility Attract And Retain Top Global Talent?

The full event programme is as follows.

Sustainability In Global Mobility – Turning Reds Into Green

Sustainability is a global challenge and we can all do our part. Come and discuss market-leading practices, key actions to turn those reds into greens and how to differentiate yourselves to investors and employees alike.

Hosted by James Mathers, Global Mobility Consultant, ECA International

Global Tax Update

Stuart Strong from BDO will discuss updates and issues affecting employers.

How Can Integrating Talent Management With Global Mobility Attract And Retain Top Global Talent?

Join us as we explore real-life case studies of well-developed international hiring programmes that align talent attraction with global mobility. Our seminar will focus on:

  • The positive impact such programmes have on retention and overall ROI
  • Roles and responsibilities of HR, talent acquisition and global mobility within the international hiring lifecycle
  • The benefits of flexible programmes, to both the employee experience and cost containment
  • How IT integration can support a seamless experience for international new hires.

Participants will leave the session equipped with key takeaways that will support them in integrating talent management into their own mobility programmes.

Hosted by Cartus

Buying Mobility Software – Are You Horizontal Or Vertical? – Turning Theory into Reality!

Replacing outdated vertical vendor and systems relationships with a horizontally integrated platform will save you time, improve the UX for your employees and improve data security for your company. During the last Conference, Tracker Software Technologies (TST) explained the theory around horizontal integration. Nearly a year later, TST will turn theory into reality, explaining how to manage such a project, deliver a horizontally integrated platform and what such a platform looks like when implemented. We’ll explore Stakeholder engagement and integrations with tools and systems that HR and Global Mobility are very familiar with, like HR IS and Payroll systems and others that are not so familiar, such as Travel Management Company systems and Online Booking Tools.

Hosted by Tracker Software Technologies (TST).

A Brief Summary Of Some Recent Immigration Changes And What Is The Real Cost Of A UK Visa?

The cost of sponsoring migrant works can run into tens of thousands. We set out what costs a business may be liable for when sponsoring a work visa, including which of those can be passed on to the employee. We examine when a refund can be obtained for visa fees and drill down into some considerations for a cost-effective mobility programme.

Hosted by Smith Stone Walters.

How to register

It would be great to see you at this free annual event. To register, please email with the name/s, job title/s and email address of those who would like to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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A very pleasant and clear process with Smith Stone Walters. The team were always responsive, helpful, and positive.

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The whole team were the epitome of professionalism throughout the process. I would not hesitate to recommend Smith Stone Walters and have already done so.

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The team is outstandingly helpful, incredibly professional, exceptionally efficient, and impressively proactive. Their dedication and commitment are truly commendable.

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Super professional and responsive!

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A big thanks to SSW for their support and guidance, it has been a pleasure working with them on my case.

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Exceptionally efficient and seamless delivery of services. Very friendly and helpful Consultants.

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Top notch experience. Thank you for your incredible promptness and patience in answering all the queries.

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We’ll be in touch shortly!