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The final step to British citizenship

Are you about to take the final step on your journey to becoming a British citizen and swear or affirm an oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen at a citizenship ceremony? If so, then congratulations from Smith Stone Walters!

Citizenship ceremonies are formal events and provide the opportunity to officially welcome new citizens.  Ahead of your celebration, we have set out some useful need to know information regarding the ceremony and the period following it:

Citizenship ceremonies

Ceremonies are organised by your local council. It is important to note that you must book your ceremony within three months of citizenship approval being given, otherwise you may have to make a new application.

Given the formal nature of these occasions, most councils will expect you to dress appropriately and participate fully throughout the ceremony. Rather than attending a group ceremony, you may choose to request a private individual ceremony, although an additional fee is chargeable for this facility.

During the proceedings, you will be asked either to swear (I swear by Almighty God) or affirm (I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm) your oath of allegiance. You will also give a pledge of loyalty to the Queen.

Once citizenship is conferred, you will be presented with a welcome pack including your certificate of British citizenship and the festivities can begin.

Don’t forget!

After receiving your certificate of British citizenship, your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) must be sent back to the Home Office.

The Home Office expects individuals to return their BRP’s within five working days of either going to the ceremony or receiving their citizenship certificate. The BRP should be cut into four pieces and posted to the Home Office with a note saying that it is being returned because you’ve become a British citizen.

If your permit is not returned within five working days, you could be fined up to £1,000. 

Is there a mistake on your certificate?

Occasionally, errors do occur in the issue of citizenship certificates. Fortunately, the Home Office has recently established a new procedure to amend any mistakes noted on a certificate.

As of October 2017, the ‘Form RR: application for correction of a registration or naturalisation certificate’ is the new form that must be completed.

Upon consideration, the Home Office caseworker will determine if the correction request is appropriate and whether to charge an administration fee of £234 for the service.

To download the form click here

If you are concerned about how best to apply for British citizenship, contact UK immigration practice Smith Stone Walters for friendly, professional and up-to-date advice.

Click here for more information about our services.

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