Right to rent scheme – February 2016
Landlords across England are being reminded that their duty to check the immigration status of future and current tenants will begin in less than half a month.
From 1 February 2016, landlords in England will be required by law to conduct ‘right to rent’ checks on future and current tenants in order to identify whether or not they have the legal right to rent property in the UK.
As these checks can take place up to 28 days before the start of a tenancy, many landlords will be able to begin their checks now, ahead of February’s enforcement date.
Non-EEA individuals moving to the UK should therefore expect to be asked for their passport or other original identity documents upon renting a property, as this will soon become just another formality of relocating to the UK.
Landlords have been provided with extensive information on what is required from them and how these checks are best conducted.
Right to rent checks for UK migrants
Guidance issued for landlords’ right to rent checks
Immigration crackdown: ‘right to rent checks’