Insight: Your FREE UK immigration newsletter
Your FREE copy of the latest Insight has arrived!
Our quarterly newsletter is bursting at the seams with the latest in UK immigration news and views, offering sponsors and individuals the opportunity to catch-up on key events and updates affecting their personal and professional lives.
Inside this issue:
How far will the Tories go to ‘control’ immigration?
Essential for sponsors & assignees alike, this edition sees SSW Director David Hugkulstone looking at Conservative plans to stiffen sanctions on migrants and their employers.
About the size of a credit card, Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) will be issued to all successful, overseas UK visa applicants before the year is out. Here, we outline how to gear up your business in the wake of this global BRP roll-out and its consequences for UK sponsor organisations.
Compliance is changing: what you need to know
To give clients clear and concise information, every quarter we focus on a key issue of UK immigration law. Our focus this quarter falls upon the recent changes to the compliance regime for sponsor employers under the Points-Based System (PBS).
Click here for your FREE copy of Insight for more news and views on UK immigration