UKVI sponsor
licence helpline

Contact the UKVI sponsor licence helpline from inside the UK

If you need information on your UK sponsor licence, are not already using a legal representative and have no plans to do so in the near future, then the Sponsorship, employer and education helpline can provide you with a direct line to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) from inside the UK.

The helpline can inform you of your duties as a sponsor, along with answering questions regarding the recruitment and sponsorship of current or potential migrant employees.

Here at Smith Stone Walters, however, we contact UKVI for you.

We make it our business to professionally manage your immigration processes and guide your organisation through securing and maintaining a sponsorship licence in accordance with UK law.

We have a dedicated Sponsorship Registration & Compliance Team ready to assist your company in preparing for your sponsor licence application. We also ensure that the correct human resource systems are in place to enable your compliance with ongoing Tier 2 sponsorship duties.

Our strong relationships with the UKVI Sponsor Licencing Unit enable us to effectively manage the progress of your licence application and provide you with an expedited service.

To learn more about our sponsor licence and Tier 2 services, please contact our team today.

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